Do you or does anyone you know have a gluten intolerance?

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Do you or does anyone you know have a gluten intolerance?

Post by Shortie »

Having a gluten intolerance is something that is more common than many thought it was. I never really knew anyone myself who had a gluten intolerance up until a few weeks ago when we found out that my daughter has an intolerance to gluten and as much as she can eat foods with it in it, too much can cause her to feel sick, bloated and just not well in general.

The one thing I always knew even before I knew my daughter had a gluten intolerance was that the price of gluten-free food is quite expensive.

So far my daughter has been fine making changes rather than going for gluten-free foods but I think it's a shame that someone who has an intolerance that they can not help has to pay more for food.

Do you or does someone you know have a gluten intolerance?
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Re: Do you or does anyone you know have a gluten intolerance?

Post by deucher »

I personally don't have one, but my aunt has one, and it's very inconvenient, because you have to replace almost all products with gluten-free ones, and it's always much more expensive than regular products.
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